Kanawha Lodge #25
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Kanawha Lodge #25
Odd Fellows Building
Museum and Library
Lodge History
Making a Difference
Bradwood Park
Ellinipsico Encampment #13
Canton Charleston #7
Duchy of Jakaz
Additional Information
Charleston 2025 Session
Odd Fellows Road Runners
WV Grand Secretary
Meet Our Tenants
Delfine's Jewelry
245 Capitol Street Entrance
Golden Bagel Company
247 Capitol Street Entrance
IUEC Local 48 & NEIEP
Second Floor
Available for Rent: 304-389-2069
Room 302
The Two Tinkers
Room 307
Office of the Grand Lodge of WV, IOOF
Room 310
Idle Hands
Room 401
Cat's Eye Studio - Danielle Hughart
Room 403
School of Art Knocks
Room 405
Wellness for Life - Dr. Laurie Covington
Room 407
Newman Jackson - Art Studio
Room 408
Nikki Painter Photography
Room 409
Erin Smith - Art Studio
Room 410
Optimal Health Strategies - Paul Leach
Room 412
West Virginia Gold Star Mothers
Room 413
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Fifth Floor